We all want the big miracle. Being on the lookout for miracles has yielded some pretty cool results that I want to share. A.) For those of you in 12 step programs, you will understand that a miracle occurred when a family member in early recovery came to the hospital to make amends to Ken. Healing and forgiveness based on unconditional love is the ultimate spiritual experience. B.) Our kids came from everywhere to be with us, the youngest driving all night with her fiance', with the news that they are moving their wedding from redwood forest to our backyard on April 9th. We had thought we would miss it, due to Ken's illness, and we are delighted with the change. C. When Ken arrived home and saw all of our children there, his eyes filled with happiness. D.) The IV vitamin C could have been difficult to track down, but a dear friend was able to access it fairly easily. Then, one bottle in a 3 pack arrived broken, and the company replaced it with another 3 pack, giving us 2 free bottles!
Getting onto hospice was an ordeal; social workers, nurses, case managers, etc... all at once. Explaining our history and hopes over and over took its toll and I was glad to have family support. One nurse took me outside to tell me that Ken is holding on for all of us and we need to be realistic and let him go, because he is suffering. This was naturally devastating. Back in the house, Isaac saw me crying and became concerned. When he asked, I told him what the nurse said. E.) Being schizoaffective, Isaac never touches anyone, but he initiated a hug.
As a family, we know Ken might die of cancer. That's different than dying of pneumonia. Ken wants the IV, he wants to fight and to live. We are supporting that battle. Things keep changing. Right now, the sore spots on his back and in his mouth are bothering him the most, but the intense abdominal pain seems to be over. He does not need as much pain medication. I call that a miracle.
All the prayers being said on our behalf are working. Here's a healing technique from Self-Realization Fellowship: http://www.yogananda-srf.org/tmp/spiritual.aspx?id=516 Unity and Ananda have our prayer requests as well. We are greatly strengthened and comforted by knowing all of you have our back.
Most of you just do not know it but you are already doing it each day, unconscious or unconscious. This process involves and leads to body mind healing.
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