Saturday, January 15, 2011


Dr. Brian Clement is the Director of Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida. We were privileged to be able to arrange a phone consultation with him. Our doctor faxed all Ken's records and I sent a couple of emails ahead of time. At the appointed time, we put on the speaker phone and I recorded the conversation. What was supposed to be half and hour turned into 45 minutes. Dr. Clements was kind and compassionate and asked what we've been doing. I told him that Ken takes 2 ounces of wheatgrass three times daily plus "implants" (retention enemas of 4-6 ounces of wheatgrass)twice a day. I also make him 3 glasses of green juice, half of which is made from sunflower sprouts, with celery and cucumber or parsley, romaine, spinach, lemon, or garlic for variety. He stressed it is important not to use carrots or apples or anything sweet when you are fighting cancer. Lemons are the only fruit allowed. Bowel cleansing is also important. We have been doing this for 3 weeks now. Dr. Clement said we are doing great, that even stage 4 cancer is not a death sentence if you have a will and a desire to live and are willing to eat only 100% raw vegan foods. He told us to add chlorella (the expensive one, with no additives), and E3Live, a blue-green algae, an herbal supplement called Life One and a Systemic Enzyme supplement. We ordered all those. We also just got an infared sauna, which they use at Hippocrates. Dr. Clement said to have Ken in it 20 minutes a day at 140 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit to kill cancer cells, similar to treatments in Northern Europe that induce fevers. The sauna came from Costco, our daughter Naomi ordered it! Another suggestion was ginger juice for hiccups and laser treatment under a chiropractor's care for pain. We never got around to asking how much ginger to use, but online it suggests 6 grams twice a day for 5 days. We are looking into the laser treatments. Bottom line, Dr. Clement was encouraging that Ken can heal; all he has to do is drink wheatgrass, sprouts, algae and eat raw food! Tomorrow he's going to try eating, after 21 days on green liquid.

1 comment:

  1. wow, good for you guys! thats a really strict diet, but you are really taking control of your health.
